Arts Council Launches Markievicz Award 2024

Applications are now open for the 2024 Markievics awards!

The Markievicz Award is a bursary scheme for artists. Up to 10 artists from all backgrounds, artform and arts practice areas will receive an award of €25,000. The award is designed to buy time and space for artists, working alone or in collaboration, to develop new work that reflects on the role of women in Ireland in the 20th century and beyond. The award is administered by the Arts Council on behalf of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

The Markievicz Award was originally established as a key element of the Decade of Centenaries Programme (2012–23) to honour Constance de Markievicz. Markievicz was an artist and the first woman in Ireland to be elected to Parliament and appointed to Cabinet. Given the importance of the Irish language revival movement during the revolutionary period, and the Department’s ongoing and particular responsibilities to support the Irish language and the Gaeltacht, one of the awards each year will be assigned to an artist working in the Gaeltacht and through the medium of the Irish language, subject to them achieving awardable standard.

The award opens for applications on 7 May and the deadline for applications is Thursday 6 June at 5.30pm. Full information can be found here.
