Online Course for Harp Teachers

Cruit Éireann, Harp Ireland is delighted to present an online course for harp teachers in association with I Teach Trad: Professional Development for Irish Traditional Music Teachers.
Led by Liz Doherty, PhD, NTF, these workshops will be online and interactive.
Dates: Thursdays 7.00-9.00pm via Zoom on 22 April, 29 April, 6 May and 13 May.
Week 1: A Framework for teaching traditional music. How do you plan your teaching? Learn how to use this framework to bring your teaching to the next level.
Week 2: The TradLABB: A teaching and learning design tool for traditional music teachers. What will I teach today? This tool can help you re-imagine and re-fresh your harp teaching practice.
Week 3: Safe Trad – How to prevent performance-related injuries among your harp students. Help your harps students to develop good habits around posture and body awareness so that they are not at risk of injury.
Week 4: The Teacher’s Toolkit: Strategies for teaching groups of learners . Teaching groups online or in the room – we’ll look at some ideas to help you deliver group teaching with confidence.
Cost: Full course €110. Individual workshops €30.
EARLY BIRD OFFER: €100 (available until 15 April at 23:00)
*****TO SELECT THE EARLY BIRD OR FULL COURSE you can activate your booking by selecting ONE of the dates and then selecting EARLY BIRD or FULL COURSE.*********
Register now at