The Clarsach Society | Comunn na Clàrsaich: The Iain Macleòid Young Composers Award 2023

Composers aged between 16 & 30 years of age are invited to submit an original piece of music – lasting no longer than 10, and no less than 8 minutes – suitable for either:

a) Solo Clarsach (Lever harp) or wire harp;


b) Clarsach and up to 3 other instruments and/or voices


The successful recipient will receive £1000, plus a premiere performance at the next Edinburgh International Harp Festival, scheduled for 5-9 April 2024 at George Watson’s College, Edinburgh.

Entries close on Friday 27 October 2023 .  Please check the Terms and Conditions carefully before applying.

Composers can find out more about the clarsach and its history from our website where they can also see the huge line-up of artists who appear at the Edinburgh International Harp Festival.

