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Lá na Cruite | Harp Day 2023

Lá na Cruite | Harp Day | 21st October 2023

Meanma | Confident, Creative Harping

Lá na Cruite | Harp Day takes place this year on Saturday 21st October 2023 with performances, workshops, talks and taster sessions planned across Ireland and beyond, involving as many people as possible in a celebration of  our 1000-year old harping tradition. Now in its seventh year and featuring live and online harping events, we invite harpers everywhere to join with us in marking this special day, where harps will resound in all corners of the world.

The theme of our 2023 harp day celebration is Meanma; the morale, the spirit and the pride that harpers have in our harping tradition, which is recognised on UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanities. Harpers worldwide can showcase and embody that joy and courage, as together we push the parameters of our harping tradition and sustain our living harping heritage.

Why not help us build our programme? Sign up for our Harpers’ Call,  organise a Lá na Cruite | Harp Day 2023 event in your local area, or if you have an idea to promote the harp in any way, please let us know.

Lá na Cruite| Harp Day is for everyone. Bigí linn, fáilte roimh chách!

Contact us at info@harpireland.ie


21 Oct 2023  


Online at harpireland.ie,
