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HARPS ALIVE 2023 | DUBLIN | Try Your Hand at the Early Irish Harp | The Royal Irish Academy of Music

HARPS ALIVE 2023 | DUBLIN | Try Your Hand at the Early Irish Harp

The Royal Irish Academy of Music

Sunday 22nd October, 10am 

Free Admission | Donations welcome

Level: No harp experience required
Would you like to learn more about, and even get your hands on a copy of an ancient Irish harp – and be taught a tune? Meet the Historical Harp Society of Ireland, hear this rare instrument played, have your questions answered, and – if you sign up early enough – take one of the few places in a hands-on beginners’ workshop. Listen to early Irish harp music with Siobhán Armstrong, find out more about its fascinating history at a 45-minute illustrated talk with Simon Chadwick, and join a 75-minute, hands-on workshop for beginners with Eibhlís Ní Ríordáin. Harps copied from medieval to 18th-century originals will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Register at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/harps-alive-an-chruit-bheo-harps-leevin-2023-tickets-722095235287


22 Oct 2023  10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin 2
