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Harps Alive | Edward Bunting Remembered | Mt Jerome Cemetery

Harps Alive | A Graveside Commemoration of Edward Bunting

Edward Bunting died in Dublin on 21st December 1843 aged 70. He was buried in Mt Jerome Cemetery, Dublin. He died in impoverished circumstances and friends raised the money for his gravestone.  It was decided by the Harps Alive partnership to restore the grave without disturbing its integrity and that of the surrounding graves.  The restoration has now been completed.

The ceremony will consist of an oration by David Byers, author of the commemorative Festival Book on The Belfast Harpers’ Assembly, a poetry reading by poet, Emily Cullen who has composed a suite of poems in the voices of the Belfast harpers, harp music by Paul Dooley on Early Irish harp and Áine Ní Dhubhghaill on Irish harp.  The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media will also speak and lay a wreath in honour of Edward Bunting.

Mount Jerome, 158 Harold's Cross Road, Dublin

Sunday, July 24, 3 pm

Adm. free. Donations welcome. Register at: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/commemoration-at-mt-jerome-cemetery-tickets-373912220517?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1

24 Jul 2022  3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Mount Jerome 158 Harold’s Cross Road D6W HY98 Dublin,
